Friday, May 28, 2010

Meteor Mouth without the metal

Today, I write to you as a new woman! You may not have known (which means you have not been listening to me for the last week) but I got my braces out yesterday. No more "braceface" either to my face or behind my back. No more beeping when I go through the airport. No more trying to conceal my teeth in a photograph knowing they will shine up illuminous in somebodies facebook page. Ah yes, I am now even more like my idol Cheryl Cole, I just have to spend more time working on the dimple oh and getting my boyfriend to cheat. Oisin did worry me this morning when he asked me to "show me your nashers"! I was not familair with this term and was heading over towards HR before he explained.

Well done to Dee Currid, John, Leontia and Keelan who beat JPS in the table quiz. Were there no rugby questions? Also a big congratulations to Leontia who is now sporting a fabulous diamond on her left hand and it ain't from the accessory rack in Dunnes I tell ya. Welcome back to Rebecca who was very ill over the last few weeks - Rebecca it was so quiet without you here, there was nobody threatening to throw me over the balcony :)

Who has been stealing Meadhbh's pot plants? Following Meadhbh on twitter the other night, I was astonished to hear that Meadhbh had lost her pots to some dodgy family up the road. Meadhbh, I would confront them - who cares what the neighbourhood watch crew say.

Many of the girls are off for their spray tans this evening, Dee K and Niamh - did you not know THURSDAY is spray tan night, you are going against the norm. Don't be confusing Rosanna etc.

And finally - Michelle Farrell is officially the number one celebrity stalker in the commercial department. Check this out - Michelle with the lovely Rihanna. Michelle was thinking of packing it all in to go touring with her, but in the end decided she would miss us all too much.

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About Me

Working in online for 7 years but secretly wish to write a chick lit novel :) Online marketing is not as scary as you think, you just need to cut out the jargon.
